Web3 Ladies Cohort[Ladiesdotech]

Web3 Ladies Cohort[Ladiesdotech]

The journey so far!

To the Web development community, I am a huge novice.

Web3 Ladies Cohort found me - or I found it- at a golden time. So far it has been an amazing experience and for the first time, I do not feel bummed about it being an online cohort. The fact that it is an online cohort does not take anything from its effectiveness and the knowledge being shared.

In the first week, we went through an introductory course to computer science, which covered the basics every tech enthusiast and/or programming aspirant should know. Backbone topics such as; bigOnotation, data structures, artificial intelligence and so much more were a few things we looked at. It was an interactive session, where each student learnt and shared one key thing they understood at the end of the class.

The following week, I missed out. They call it "being under the weather" or "feeling blue", be it the latter or former, I was excused from being present.

In our third and most recent week, we presented tasks- this article, if qualified as one, being the first- and as the second, a programming task.

At first, it would seem logical to depend solely on what is being taught in classes and only research the assignments or tasks given to come out with perfect results. However, perfection cannot be achieved without solid self-practice and that is one thing I have learnt from this Cohort. Being the type to do better and be more productive under supervision, i absolutely enjoy the keen interest and encouragement I have gotten from my instructors and program lead.

I look forward to learning more and also having gainful experience in upcoming tasks and projects. I hope to be challenged, so I can bring out my best and come out as a certified JavaScript- our language of focus- developer.